
Meditation is to the mind what rest is to the body. It allows us to "unplug" and block out the distractions of the outside world; it helps us to renew and recharge. Meditation is reported to have an array of benefits: from improving concentration to reducing stress to inducing relaxation. Read more...

In order to learn how to meditate we need to understand our mind. Ancient Yoga Science states that there are 10 spiritual bodies in the human being. Each body have specific attributes when it is strong and failures when it is weak. You will never forget that you will always have to strengh any of your bodies. As soon as you manifest any weakness, identify it with the correspondent body nd start practicing the technique that will strengh this body. 

Among the bodies we can find 3 that correspond with the different types of mind: 

  • Negative mind 
  • Positive mind 
  • Neutral mind

All our thoughts follow a process from a situation that starts to the time we give it an answer or we start an action. If we do not direct this process, our mind will do it for us. It is what we call living on "automatic pilot"

* Negative mind values riks and dangers. Its mission is to protect you and to keep you the way you are. So you never loose. 

* Positive mind suggests solutions. It is the creative mind. It wants you to expand yourself, enjoy yourself and come our ahead. Its goal is to kick you off where you are, without valuing consequences. It is not able to forecast anything, it just imagines opportunities. 

* Neutral mind values information from both and makes the best decision. It is the only one able to distinguish and choose the best option for you. 

The problem is that we do not reach to this point when we face any situation. 

Through meditation we need to train our neutral  mind so we will be able to have longer processes of thinking. Otherwise we just believe in the negative part, we just see problems and dangers and we do nothing. Or we just do something without looking at the consequences. 


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